Friday, September 12, 2008


I started a Flickr site for my Kenya photos. It takes forever to load them up, so there are only a few right now...


Anonymous said...

Hey Steph!

Fascinating account of your journey. What a wonderful writer you are! I can't wait to read more.

Although you are correct that you are not there to effect change, but to observe, I can't help but wonder what seeds of change you may eventually leave behind. I hadn't really stopped to think how much you can offer your hosts... I was naive enough to only think about how much you were going to learn.

And love the cool photos, too!

Stay sharp, stay smart, stay safe.

mary y said...

I love the info you are sharing! I've been checking every day for more info. Your home life sounds amazing...middle class here and there sure mean different things, don't they? And your thoughts on Jill's questions were especially interesting. How do you think the pace of industrialization affects the role of women? What struck us in China was that the growth of a diverse economy, particularly including industry and exports, seemed to be the catalist for social change. I wonder if that will play out there as well.

Now that you are getting settled, what do you wish you had brought with you, or what do you wish you had brought more of with you? We'd like to send you something to remind you of home.

ProstoShelMimo said...

Точно не будет лишним, а по доброму даже нужно будет, сдать вот такие анализы и получить результаты