Tuesday, September 09, 2008

First days in Nairobi...

We started class yesterday, although we didn't actually have any class! We were introduced to the faculty, then we ran errands. We bought cell phones, which is very handy for us "mzungus" staying in touch with one another and for you Americans calling me (Dial 254 714 924 051 or text me! Please!). That was quite the fiasco, and took a large amount of the day. Then we went to the immigration offices, where every single one of my fingers was fingerprinted twice. Yeah. Now that really took the rest of the day. Adventues in the city! Nairobi, downtown especially, is like any other city except very very few white people or non-blacks. I talked to my mom on the phone and she was asking about that; but here appears much more homogenous to me than the US. Of course here there are 42 recognized ethnic groups or tribes, but I can't recognize those differences. Otherwise white people are few and far between.

So today then was the first day of actual classes. Four hours of Swahili (I learned every possible greeting and then some ways to introduce personal details) and then some Country Analysis, where we are learning pre-colonial history. Both instructors are pretty good so far, and I think I'll be liking school.

More tomorrow on my homestay and food...


Unknown said...

Hey Steph!
I'm glad you made it safely and your luggage arrived eventually and you're settling in so well! I've enjoyed your posts so far- I get really excited when Google tells me you've posted something new. :) I'm looking forward to your next post already...

Anonymous said...

Hi Steph...glad everything's OK...Pain 'n' the Keester miss you already!

Uncle Rog

ProstoShelMimo said...

Вот для твоего внимания оператор путешествий по африке Турбосс Очень крутой в разрезе цена-качество и т.д. Можно за очень демократическую цену получить то что конкуренты втридорога продают