Monday, February 02, 2009

Safari pictures have arrived!

Enjoy them on Flickr.


momspayne said...

ok I can never remember my password so I had to make a new account (I'll write it down this time)! The safari pictures bring back such good memories - we had such a great international group too. It certainly made for interesting conversation. Robert from Sweden (whose best English wwas reserved for profanity!), Auralia from Switzerland , and Kevin from Australia/Ireland, and of course our native guide.

Anonymous said...

I have finally found your blog once again and am happy to know that you are healthy and learning so much. I haven't kept up over the past few months, but the story of getting typhoid was harrowing enough. I wonder what else has happened since I last checked in!

As you no doubt hear from your family, things are "winter normal" here in Wisconsin. I am taking an art course at Edgewood, working in the Archives, traveling, reading, doing craft night with Sidonie...

Miss you and look forward to seeing you upon your return.

Connie said...

Hi Steph, OMG, I couldn't believe the safari pictures,,,,beautiful, breathtaking, what an adventure you are on. Did you take the pictures yourself? If so, you should become a professional photog. I couldn't believe all the different animals. I was concerned though when you talked about getting typhoid! You sounded like you were sooooo sick. Please take care. How long are you going to be in Kenya?