Thursday, January 22, 2009

A silly poem...

From someone who never writes poetry but got VERY bored the other day...

A Love Poem to Kenya

Kenya, I don't know why I like you,
With your beggars and dirty streets,
And sweet smells of roasted maize.
With your rampant crime,
And welcoming hospitable people.
With your 30% HIV/AIDS rate,
And music playing in the streets.
With no concept of punctuality or tardiness,
And the most sincere greetings in the world.
With leaky tin rooves and holey mud walls,
And brightly colored khangas around every waist.
Kenya, I don't know why I love you,
With your baffling extremes,
but I do.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think that many who live here are very happy to hear this news - and if you think I'm talking seriously, you are completely mistaken, because here the sarcasm is appropriate in all its manifestations.